In the following array how can the object with "step":"2" be removed from the sub-array "subGroupB" only when "code":"code-333"?
"id": "id-111",
"code": "code-111"
"subGroupB": [
"step": "1",
"code": "code-111"
"step": "2",
"code": "code-111"
"id": "id-222",
"code": "code-222"
"subGroupB": [
"step": "1",
"code": "code-222"
"step": "2",
"code": "code-222"
"id": "id-333",
"code": "code-333"
"subGroupB": [
"step": "1",
"code": "code-333"
"step": "2",
"code": "code-333"
The expected result is:
"id": "id-111",
"code": "code-111"
"subGroupB": [
"step": "1",
"code": "code-111"
"step": "2",
"code": "code-111"
"id": "id-222",
"code": "code-222"
"subGroupB": [
"step": "1",
"code": "code-222"
"step": "2",
"code": "code-222"
"id": "id-333",
"code": "code-333"
"subGroupB": [
"step": "1",
"code": "code-333"
I have tried to $filter the last object's sub-array and $append it to the first two objects using variables, but the last object gets broken into two objects and I end up with 4 objects instead of three.
You can do it by filtering the subGroupB
inside a mapped mainGroup
like this:
"mainGroup": mainGroup.{
"subGroupA": subGroupA,
"subGroupB": subGroupB[$not(code="code-333" and step="2")][]
See it on the playground:
Alternatively, you can use the transform operator, if you don't want to reconstruct the whole object structure yourself:
$$ ~> |mainGroup|{ "subGroupB": subGroupB[$not(code="code-333" and step="2")][] }|
Also, on the playground: