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How to send messages/sms without Twilio phone number

I tried to send a message without a Twilio phone number because we has no intent to get any messages from users. I followed this tutorial written in Ruby I search for any similar tutorial written in PHP but to no avail.


public function sendSms(string $message, string $phone)
        $sid = env("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID");
        $token = env("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN");
        $messagingSid = env("MESSAGING_SERVICE_SID");
        $twilio = new Client($sid, $token);

        $message = $twilio->messages->create(
                "body" => $message,
                "messaging_service_sid" => $messagingSid,

        return $message->sid;

When this code run, an error occurred saying [HTTP 400] Unable to create record: A 'From' phone number is required I just send messages without expecting them to reply back. How can I do it? Or Do I need to buy one for it to work?


  • It seems to me that you supply an unknown parameter to the function call. According to this docs page, it should be messagingServiceSid instead of messaging_service_sid.

    So you could should be:

    public function sendSms(string $message, string $phone)
            $sid = env("TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID");
            $token = env("TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN");
            $messagingSid = env("MESSAGING_SERVICE_SID");
            $twilio = new Client($sid, $token);
            $message = $twilio->messages->create(
                    "body" => $message,
                    "messagingServiceSid" => $messagingSid,
            return $message->sid;