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how to install gpu accelerated-gpu version pytorch on mac OS (M1)?

I 've successfully installed cpu version, shown as below,

enter image description here

I am using macOS 11.4, shown as below: enter image description here

I read from pytorch website, saying it is supported on masOS 12.3 or later version, shown as below:

enter image description here


I am wondering if this is a way of running pytorch on m1 gpu without upgrading my OS from 11.4 to 12.3 or later version ... (it will be much better and convenience for me if it is possbile to solve this issue without upgrading OS.)


  • According to the Apple developer website, supports starts a macOS 12.3, like you mentioned.

    Imo, it's safe to assume that there will be little to no effort to support an earlier version of macOS. What is your reason to not update macOS?