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Using the right api_version of the azure SDK

I am trying to verify the existence of some resources in my tenant. I use the ResourceManagementClient to do so, either the check_existence_by_id method or get_by_id as described in this issue.

My script uses a constant api_version for now, "2022-09-01", which apparently isn't supported for every resource type, because I sometimes get a NoRegisteredProviderFound like this:

HttpResponseError: (NoRegisteredProviderFound) No registered resource provider found for location 'westeurope' and API version '2022-03-01' for type 'firewallPolicies'. The supported api-versions are '2019-06-01, 2019-07-01, 2019-08-01, 2019-09-01, 2019-11-01, 2019-12-01, 2020-01-01, 2020-03-01, 2020-04-01, 2020-05-01, 2020-06-01, 2020-07-01, 2020-08-01, 2020-11-01, 2021-01-01, 2021-02-01, 2021-03-01, 2021-04-01, 2021-05-01, 2021-06-01, 2021-08-01, 2021-12-01, 2022-01-01, 2022-05-01, 2022-07-01, 2022-09-01'. The supported locations are 'qatarcentral, uaenorth, australiacentral2, uaecentral, germanynorth, centralindia, koreasouth, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, japanwest, francesouth, southafricawest, westindia, canadaeast, southindia, germanywestcentral, norwayeast, norwaywest, southafricanorth, eastasia, southeastasia, koreacentral, brazilsouth, brazilsoutheast, westus3, jioindiawest, swedencentral, japaneast, ukwest, westus, eastus, northeurope, westeurope, westcentralus, southcentralus, australiaeast, australiacentral, australiasoutheast, uksouth, eastus2, westus2, northcentralus, canadacentral, francecentral, centralus'.
Code: NoRegisteredProviderFound

From what I've seen, the interfaces I use remain similar to the client for each version, but the Azure API service for some reason doesn't support them all.

How can I determine a right version to use for each resource type during runtime? the list of resources I want to query is huge and has many types of resources.

Edit: The answer that @SiddheshDesai provided works perfectly but if you face a similar issue when using the ResourceMangamentClient I also recommend trying the ResourceGraphClient from azure.mgmt.resoucegraph. It provides an interface that lets you query the same information very easily.


  • You can determine the right version for each resource types in Azure with the Python code below:-

    from  azure.identity  import  AzureCliCredential
    from  azure.mgmt.resource  import  ResourceManagementClient
    # Initialize the Azure credentials
    credential = AzureCliCredential()
    subscription_id = 'subscription-id'
    resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
    provider_namespace = 'Microsoft.Network'  # replace with your desired provider namespace
    provider = resource_client.providers.get(provider_namespace)
    for  resource_type  in  provider.resource_types:
    print(f"Resource Type: {resource_type.resource_type}")
    print(f"Latest API Version: {resource_type.api_versions[0]}")


    enter image description here

    The above code listed the Resource types and their API versions for the resource provider Microsoft.Network.
    Now, To check if the particular resource exists by its Id with the resource type, you can use the python script below:-

    I have deployed one V-NET in my account:-

    enter image description here

    Python code:-

    rom  azure.identity  import  AzureCliCredential
    from  azure.mgmt.resource  import  ResourceManagementClient
    # Initialize the Azure credentials
    credential = AzureCliCredential()
    subscription_id = 'subscription-id'
    resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)
    # Dictionary to store the API version for each resource type
    api_versions = {}
    # List of resource types to check existence for
    resource_types = ['Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks', 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts']
    for  resource_type  in  resource_types:
    # Split the resource type into its provider namespace and resource type
    provider_namespace, type_name = resource_type.split('/', 1)
    # Check if the API version for this resource type has already been determined
    if  type_name  in  api_versions:
    api_version = api_versions[type_name]
    # Get the list of API versions for this resource type
    provider = resource_client.providers.get(provider_namespace)
    api_versions[type_name] = provider.resource_types[0].api_versions[0]
    api_version = api_versions[type_name]
    # Use the determined API version to check if the resource exists
    resource_id = '/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/{2}/{3}'.format(subscription_id, 'resource-group-name', provider_namespace, type_name)
    resource = resource_client.resources.get_by_id(resource_id, api_version)
    print(f"{resource_type} exists.")
    print(f"{resource_type} does not exist.")


    enter image description here