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Openstack SDK, create new server only IPV4

conn: Connection = create_connection()

nics = [{'net-id': '`net_id`', 'subnet-id': '`subnet_id`'}]

params = {
    'name': 'Instance_app_2',
    'networks': [{'uuid': 'net_id'}],
    'nics': nics,
    'security_groups': [{'name': 'GroupName'}],
    'user_data': create_user_data(), # encoded user_data
    'flavor_id': '`flavor_id`'
    'image_id': '`image_id`',
    'ipv6_address_mode': None,
    'ipv6_ra_mode': None,

server = conn.compute.create_server(**params)

I run the code and create a server have both IPv4 and IPv6. How can I create a new server with only IPv4 ? please  


  • Firstly, ipv6_address_mode and ipv6_ra_mode are used by network.create_subnet rather than compute.create_server method, and their Valid values are: 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', or 'slaac'.

    Secondly, the networks parameter Mutually exclusive with the nics parameter in create_server method.

    Lastly, in your case create a server have both IPv4 and IPv6, I guess that you had already defined the ipv6_address_scope in net_id or ipv6_*_mode in subnet_id, so it would auto create ipv6 address.

    Try to create a port_id which port only with ipv4 address, and just use 'nics': port_id, to create_server.

    see also: