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Counting positive words in a passage python

I have to count the times positive and negative words appear in a passage.

I have a list of positive words, list of negative words, and a passage excerpt.

pos_words = ['happy', 'like', 'love', 'good', 'favorite', 'best', 'great', 'amazing', 'joyful', 'positive']
neg_words = ['sad', 'dislike', 'hate', 'angry', 'horrible', 'bad', 'worst', 'boring', 'negative']
passage_excerpt = "I love CSS 1, it's my favorite class and not as horrible as I thought"

I have to return a dictionary titled sentiment_info that looks like this:

{'num_pos_words': ..., # how many positive words
 'num_neg_words': ..., # how many negative words
 'num_words_total': ... # how many total words

I have tried this code so far:

def calculate_words(x):
    cleaned_passage = clean_text(x)
    num_pos_words = 0 
    num_neg_words = 0 
    num_words_total = 0 
    if x in pos_words and passage_excerpt:
        num_pos_words += 1 
    if x in neg_words and passage_excerpt: 
        num_neg_words += 1 
    num_words_total = num_pos_words + num_neg_words

    return{'num_pos_words': num_pos_words,
     'num_neg_words': num_neg_words,
     'num_words_total': num_words_total}

I do not know if a function was the correct approach or I needed a for loop.


  • I little modification in your code:

    def calculate_words(y):
        num_pos_words = 0 
        num_neg_words = 0 
        num_words_total = 0 
        for x in y.split(): # ['I', 'love', 'CSS', '1,', "it's", 'my', 'favorite', 'class', 'and', 'not', 'as', 'horrible', 'as', 'I', 'thought']
         if x in pos_words and x in passage_excerpt:
            num_pos_words += 1 
         if x in neg_words and x in passage_excerpt: 
            num_neg_words += 1 
        num_words_total = num_pos_words + num_neg_words
        return{'num_pos_words': num_pos_words,
         'num_neg_words': num_neg_words,
         'num_words_total': num_words_total}
    #{'num_pos_words': 2, 'num_neg_words': 1, 'num_words_total': 3}