I expect I'm missing something dumb here. Can anyone see what I'm missing?
I have a file named /tmp/r53.json
that contains the following:
"Changes": [{
"Action": "UPSERT",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": "squidproxy.idev.in.",
"Type": "A",
"TTL": 300,
"ResourceRecords": [ {"Value": ""} ]
And I am running the command:
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z30M8MWTQXQ2O2 --change-batch file:///tmp/r53.json
which give me the error:
An error occurred (InvalidChangeBatch) when calling the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation: [RRSet with DNS name squidproxy.idev.in. is not permitted in zone iddev.in.]
I know that I have specified the zone correctly because I see the zone name iddev.in
in the error message, and I'm not specifying that name anywhere.
Why is this command failing?
Your domain name squidproxy.idev.in
is not a subdomain of iddev.in
. Your root domain has two d
characters in it (iddev
) while the record you are trying to create has one d
character in it (idev