I have a stat_density_ridges plot and I'd like to add some text (in this case a z-score) to each individual ridge in the plot. If I could get the text in the top right of the plot even better.
As an example, this code 'as written' will plot a ridge plot but it tries to put all the z-scores on ridge 'A' and runs out of room so only adds the first then produces warnings.
I have discovered that if I make the 'value' col of data_df character class (change the # from line 4 to line 3) I get the correct z-score on the correct ridge, but of course I don't get any ridges because the data type is wrong.
Any help getting both ridges and annotation on the same plot would be much appreciated.
data_df <- data.frame(group=c(rep("A",26),rep("B",26),rep("C",26),rep("D",26)),
value=rnorm(26*4, mean=0, sd=1))
#value=as.character(rnorm(26*4, mean=0, sd=1)))
z_scores_df <- data.frame(group=c("A","B","C","D"),
z_score=runif(n=4, max=1, min=0))
plot = ggplot(data_df, aes(x=value, y=group)) +
geom = "density_ridges_gradient", scale=1,
calc_ecdf = TRUE) +
color="green", size=2) +
aes(label = format(z_score,digits = 3), x= Inf, y=1),
position = position_stack(vjust = 1.1),
inherit.aes = F) +
One way is to add vjust=
and hjust=
in the aes()
from geom_text()
to adjust the position of z
scores (you can play with the values to adjust the positions). Also the y
value in the aes()
should be group to add z-score
values by group:
plot = ggplot(data_df, aes(x=value, y=group)) +
geom = "density_ridges_gradient", scale=1,
calc_ecdf = TRUE) +
color="green", size=2) +
aes(label = format(z_score,digits = 2), x= Inf, y=group,vjust = -8,hjust=1),
position = position_stack(),
inherit.aes = T) +