For some special plotting routines with different templates it would be helpful to know whether logscale x or y is set or not, and based on that the script might continue differently.
Attempt 1:
There are e.g. the gnuplot variables GPVAL_X_LOG
which contain the value 10.0
after the first plot, although logscale is not yet set.
In the console you can type the commands:
unset logscale
show logscale
set logscale x
show logscale
set logscale y 2
show logscale
set logscale x 5
show logscale
The following responses will be printed:
logscaling on none
logscaling on x
logscaling on x y (base 2)
logscaling on x (base 5) y (base 2)
But how to get hold of that message(s) and extract if logscale is set or not?
$Test <<EOD
set print $Test append
show logscale
unset print
print $Test
Doesn't work. $Test
will still be empty.
Attempt 2:
You cannot link the x2-axis to the x-axis if the x-axis is logarithmic.
set link x2 via x inverse x
You will get an error message You must clear nonlinear x or y before linking it
which is stored in the gnuplot variable GPVAL_ERRMSG
, which you could easily evaluate, however, with this error the script will be stopped. So, this doesn't work either.
Any smart ideas for a solution?
It would be good if GPVAL_X_LOG
would be NaN
, if logscale x is not set and only if it is set it should contain the base.
In addition to @Ethan's suggested solution, here is a version which is working for Windows and Linux. It's gnuplot-only with a system call, but without requiring installation of extra tools (especially for Windows).
... # previous settings
FILE = "Temp.tmp"
save FILE
temp = (cmd = GPVAL_SYSNAME[1:7] eq "Windows" ? "type" : "cat", \
system(sprintf("%s %s", cmd, FILE)))
if (exists("GPVAL_X_LOG")) {
if (strstrt(temp,"set logscale x")) {
print sprintf("logscaling x ON, basis %g", GPVAL_X_LOG)
else {print "logscaling x OFF"}
else { print "logscale not yet defined."}
temp = ''
... # later script and plotting command
The above works similar to @Ethan's script. Nevertheless, if technically possible, I would prefer a simple check like this:
: logscale x not set, i.e. linear scaleGPVAL_X_LOG = 10
: logscale x set to basis 10I will file a feature request.