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How to share Text post to Facebook directly in Flutter

Simple how can direkly open Facebook app to share text and link. without open popup

I have test many plugin but all not work like what I need.

enter image description here

without this popup need to share direkly to Facebook.

this what I test but not work as expect

var url = '';
    final Uri launchUri = Uri(
      scheme: 'https',
      path: url,
      query: encodeQueryParameters(<String, String>{
        'text': 'test text - ' + postImagelink.toString(),

or like

 String fbProtocolUrl;
    if (Platform.isIOS) {
      fbProtocolUrl = 'fb://';
    } else {
      fbProtocolUrl = 'fb://';

    String fallbackUrl = '';

    try {
      Uri fbBundleUri = Uri.parse(fbProtocolUrl);
      fbBundleUri.query!=encodeQueryParameters(<String, String>{
        'text': 'test text - ' + _postImagelink.toString(),
      var canLaunchNatively = await canLaunchUrl(fbBundleUri);

      if (canLaunchNatively) {
      } else {
        await launchUrl(Uri.parse(fallbackUrl),
            mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication);
    } catch (e, st) {
      // Handle this as you prefer


  • You just have to set up a button for opening a link, that is Facebook link, NOT a share button.