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Sending multiple Google calendar invites using Google apps script

Following my previous question, I was able to send a Google calendar invite using the script proposed by @Tanaike:

function testNotification(){

         var calendarId = "###";
         var eventId = "###";
         var email = ""
        function addGuestAndSendEmail(calendarId, eventId, newGuest) {
           Calendar.Events.patch({ attendees: [{ email: newGuest }] }, calendarId, eventId, { sendUpdates: "all" });

However, there is a slight glitch that I am not able to identify. When I try to send invites to multiple email addresses at the same time, it behaves unusually. Here is the new script:

      function SendMultiple(calendarId, eventId) {
                newGuests = ["",""];
                Calendar.Events.patch({ attendees: [{ email: e.toString()}] }, calendarId, eventId, { sendUpdates: "all" });


when the SendMultiple() function finishes running, it sends 2 invites (event created, event canceled) to and 2 invites (event created, event canceled) to, I am unable to identify why the event canceled invite is generated using this script. If I interchange the emails in newGuests array:

newGuests = ["",""];

then it behaves the same, I would appreciate it if you help me identify the issue, thank you


  • In your script, how about modifying as follows?

    Modified script:

    function SendMultiple(calendarId, eventId) {
      var newGuests = ["", ""];
      Calendar.Events.patch({ attendees: => ({ email })) }, calendarId, eventId, { sendUpdates: "all" });
    • In your script, Calendar.Events.patch is run with sendUpdates: "all". I thought that this might be the reason for your current issue. By this modification, 2 users are added by one API call. I thought that this modification might be able to remove your current issue.