I'm trying to show a list of times available in a form as options, I was able to so it using useState but now im trying it with a reducer and I can't figure out why its not working. I pass the function down as a prop and then call it int he child component but the options element doesn't render and i'm not recieving any errors in the browser. I can add more information if its needed. I tried to condense it.
//parent component
import BookingForm from '../components/bookingForm'
import { useState,useReducer } from 'react'
function Reservations(){
const initialState = ["17:00","18:00","19:00","20:00","21:00"]
const updateTimes = (availableTimes,action)=>{
return availableTimes
const initializeTimes= () =>{
{initialState.map((times) =>{
<option key={initialState}>{times}</option>
const [availableTimes, dispatch] = useReducer(updateTimes, initializeTimes);
<h1>Book a table</h1>
<h2>Little Lemon</h2>
export default Reservations
//Child component
import { useState } from "react";
function BookingForm(props){
(...form elements)
<label htmlFor="res-time">Choose time</label>
<select id="res-time">
I've pretty much tried doing most things i could think of as I've googled how to pass functions as props to children but have not been successful.
change initializeTimes
const initializeTimes = () => {
return initialState.map((times) => {
return (
<option key={times}>{times}</option>