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Outbound Internet Connectivity for ECS Fargate instances with AssignPublicIp set to DISABLED

I have a container running as a Service on AWS ECS Fargate. It is running in a Public subnet. The Service's associated Security Group allows for Egress on all ports and IPs. i.e. outbound rules are unrestricted. For its AwsvpcConfiguration, I intentionally have AssignPublicIp: set to DISABLED. I have no issues with internet connectivity when it's set to ENABLED, but I don't want that in order to comply with my organization's security requirements. I am concerned about having a public IP exposed to the internet; I'd rather have all inbound traffic only flow through my ALB.

What am I missing here in order to get my container to make an outbound call to the internet?


  • You have to place your ECS tasks/service in a private subnet with routes to a NAT gateway. NAT gateway should be in a public subnet.