I have a job called DisableInvitationJob
. I call it like this:
DisableInvitationJob.set(wait: 7.days).perform_later(invitation: @invitation)
And when testing the call with RSpec:
it {
expect(DisableInvitationJob).to have_been_enqueued
.with(invitation: Invitation.last)
.at(7.days.from_now.change(:usec => 0))
It fails like this:
expected to enqueue exactly 1 jobs, with [{:invitation=>#<Invitation id: 16, email: "test@test.io", expiration_date: "2023-03-11", oauth_token: "Yxw6qi2mqpDaBztnjRTaQEvXJnb5ot9G3FmX", group_id: 10, sender_id: 41, recipient_id: nil, created_at: "2023-03-04 20:10:07.345964000 +0900", updated_at: "2023-03-04 20:10:07.346646000 +0900", disabled: false>}], on queue default, at 2023-03-11 20:10:07 +0900, but enqueued 0
Queued jobs:
DisableInvitationJob job with [{:invitation=>#<Invitation id: 16, email: "test@test.io", expiration_date: "2023-03-11", oauth_token: "Yxw6qi2mqpDaBztnjRTaQEvXJnb5ot9G3FmX", group_id: 10, sender_id: 41, recipient_id: nil, created_at: "2023-03-04 20:10:07.345964000 +0900", updated_at: "2023-03-04 20:10:07.346646000 +0900", disabled: false>}], on queue default, at 2023-03-11 20:10:07 +0900
What is failing is the at
part of the test. Even though the queue dates are the same by the second.
If I remove it:
it {
expect(DisableInvitationJob).to have_been_enqueued
.with(invitation: Invitation.last)
It works. How can I test it with the at
In the end I used wait_until
referencing the docs
This is how I call the job
DisableInvitationJob.set(wait_until: Date.tomorrow.noon + 7.days).perform_later(invitation: invitation)
This is how I test it:
it "enqueues a job to disable the invitation" do
expect(DisableInvitationJob).to have_been_enqueued
.with(invitation: Invitation.last)
.at(Date.tomorrow.noon + 7.days)