In the old SDK Azure Table you could create FilterConditions like the following
var partitionFilter = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, symbolRoot);
var startDateFilter =
TableQuery.GenerateFilterConditionForDate("TradeDate", QueryComparisons.GreaterThanOrEqual, startDate);
var endDateFilter =
TableQuery.GenerateFilterConditionForDate("TradeDate", QueryComparisons.LessThanOrEqual, endDate);
var filter = TableQuery.CombineFilters(
TableOperators.And, endDateFilter);
I'd love to be able to continue with that pattern but....
In the new Azure.Data.Tables SDK a lot has changed I see no methods to create filters with multiple parameters, even though the QueryAsync methods accepts a filter as a parameter. The reference material for it, found here shows how to create a single parameter filter, but not a multiple parameter filter.
This method below fails because the DateTime conversion apparently is not supported within the filtering
public async Task<List<EquityDataEntity>> GetEquityPriceDataXDaysBackAsync(string symbol, int daysBackFromToday)
if (daysBackFromToday > 0)
daysBackFromToday *= -1; // put it proper form for Add... method
var data = await TableClient!
.QueryAsync<EquityDataEntity>(u => u.PartitionKey == symbol.ToUpper()
&& Convert.ToDateTime(u.RowKey) >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysBackFromToday))
//Yes, unfortunately the RowKey is the date
return data;
"Method ToDateTime not supported."
My two questions are:
Is there a way to generate filters outside the method to use within the method as was done in prior SDK?
How can I accomplish the date comparison in the Query method if the above is not doable and which requires a filter with multiple parameters (PartitionKey and date comparison)?
To note, the table structure is as follows The PartitionKey is a symbol like GLD, TSLA etc The RowKey is a Date like 2023-03-03
I have tried generating the filter like so
var filter = TableClient.CreateQueryFilter($"PartitionKey eq {symbol.ToUpper()} and RowKey gt {dateDataStarts}");
which produces this
PartitionKey eq 'GLD' and RowKey gt datetime'2021-10-20T17:42:01.3095704Z'
which according to the docs is what the OData filter should look like but it fails.
doing it with LINQ like so
var data = await TableClient!
.QueryAsync<EquityDataEntity>(u => u.PartitionKey == symbol.ToUpper() && u.RowKey >= DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysBackFromToday).ToString())
return data;
creates a VS2022 error
Operator 'operator' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'string'
replacing >= with gt doesn't work either
Update 2
The filter works now. The issue was the date was in the wrong format. This code now works as expected.
var dateDataStarts = DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysBackFromToday).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
var filter = TableClient.CreateQueryFilter($"PartitionKey eq {symbol.ToUpper()} and RowKey gt {dateDataStarts}");
which generates the OData filter as "PartitionKey eq 'GLD' and RowKey gt '2021-10-20'"
For the 1st one where you are specifying OData filter, you would need to convert your dateDataStarts
variable to string. So your code would be something like:
var filter =
TableClient.CreateQueryFilter($"PartitionKey eq {symbol.ToUpper()} and RowKey gt {dateDataStarts.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}");
For the 2nd one where you are using LINQ, you are correct. You cannot use >=
for string comparison. You will need to use String.CompareTo
. So your code would be something like:
TableClient.QueryAsync<TableEntity>(u => u.PartitionKey == symbol && u.RowKey.CompareTo(dateDataStarts.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) >= 0)