I have a type guard function for type User
. How do I extract the type, that this function "guards"? Using ReturnType<typeof isUser>
obviously does not work since the return type of the function is boolean
, not User
type User = {
username: string
function isUser(value: unknown): value is User {
return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && "username" in value;
type GuardType<T> = ...
// something like this?
type GuardTypeOfUserGuard = GuardType<typeof isUser>; // should be `User`
You can perform conditional type inference on a similarly-shaped user-defined type guard function type:
type GuardType<T> =
T extends (x: any, ...rest: any) => x is infer U ? U : never;
By "similarly-shaped" I mean that this will only match such functions where the first argument is the one guarded. Anyway, you can check that it works:
type GuardTypeOfUserGuard = GuardType<typeof isUser>;
// type GuardTypeOfUserGuard = User