I've made a query to count and rank every row for a table, but I can't join the query into one table.
I've been trying to make a leaderboard and I've managed to make a query that ranks every row based on the amount of points they have (ie. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc). Due to my SQL version, I've had to use a workaround to ROW_NUMBER() and I'm struggling to include that query in this INNER JOIN query I've already got.
$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT students.username,
CONCAT(spoints.points, 'pts') AS pointspts,
CONCAT(students.firstname, ' ', students.lastname) AS name,
CASE WHEN sex = 'M' THEN 'Male' ELSE 'Female' END AS sexes,
CONCAT(students.age, 'yrs') AS ageyrs
FROM students
INNER JOIN spoints ON students.username=spoints.username
ORDER BY points DESC");
The COUNT(*)
query in which I'm trying to merge into the INNER JOIN
$rank = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT username, 1 + ( SELECT count(*) FROM spoints a WHERE a.points > b.points ) AS rank
FROM spoints b
ORDER BY rank;");
I'm trying to link these up so they'll form one succinct table, which is where the issue is arising.
I've tried a large variation of code joining them, such as:
$query = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT students.username,
CONCAT(spoints.points, 'pts') AS pointspts,
CONCAT(students.firstname, ' ', students.lastname) AS name,
CASE WHEN sex = 'M' THEN 'Male' ELSE 'Female' END AS sexes,
students.house, CONCAT(students.age, 'yrs') AS ageyrs,
(SELECT 1 + (SELECT count(*) FROM spoints a WHERE a.points > b.points ) AS rank FROM spoints b) AS rank
FROM students
INNER JOIN spoints ON students.username=spoints.username
ORDER BY points DESC");
But that only seems to return a blank column or a "mysqli_query(): (21000/1242): Subquery returns more than 1 row"
I've also tried merging the queries with two mysqli_fetch_arrays
but then I have this mutually exclusive problem in which only the first column of either the $rank query
, or the $query query
will print. I.e.
while ($roow = mysqli_fetch_array($rank)){
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
</tr>", $roow['rank'], $row['name'], $row['ageyrs'], $row['sexes'], $row['house'], $row['pointspts']
Standing | Name | Age | Sex | House | Points |
1st | Kogan Spaghetti | 17yrs | Male | Tasman | 234pts |
1st | Ami Beckler | 12yrs | Female | Pacific | 24pts |
1st | Jan Schuette | 18yrs | Male | Coral | 0pts |
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)){
while ($roow = mysqli_fetch_array($rank)){
</tr>", $roow['rank'], $row['name'], $row['ageyrs'], $row['sexes'], $row['house'], $row['pointspts']
Standing | Name | Age | Sex | House | Points |
1st | Kogan Spaghetti | 17yrs | Male | Tasman | 234pts |
2nd | Kogan Spaghetti | 17yrs | Male | Tasman | 234pts |
3rd | Kogan Spaghetti | 17yrs | Male | Tasman | 234pts |
I want my code to return this:
Standing | Name | Age | Sex | House | Points |
1st | Kogan Spaghetti | 17yrs | Male | Tasman | 234pts |
2nd | Ami Beckler | 12yrs | Female | Pacific | 24pts |
3rd | Jan Schuette | 18yrs | Male | Coral | 0pts |
with the code I've already created which is clearly capable of doing so.
How do I merge these queries so they may all print together?
here's an example of how I believe it's a better way to get the expected data, I hope it helps.
Edited in more detail for better understanding.
select concat( s.firstname , ' ', s.lastname) as name,
concat(s.age,'yrs') as Age ,
CASE WHEN s.sex = 'M' THEN 'Male' ELSE 'Female' END AS Sex
,s.house as House
# use sum(p.points) to count the number of points,
# or count(p.points) if there is one # point per line
,sum(p.points) as points
# Use the points table as the main one
# and include the link with the left join of the students table
from spoints p
# I see that your secondary key link is by username,
# in my case I used p.student_id = s.id
# but in your case use
# p.username = s.username
left join students s on p.student_id = s.id
# perform the grouping with reference to the username for your case
# group by p.username
group by p.student_id
# para obter os melhor colocados
# utilize 'order by' para deixalos no top com ordenação 'desc'
order by points desc
# if your version has support use limit 3 to get only the first 3
limit 3
name | Age | Sex | House | points |
Ami Beckler | 12yrs | Female | Pacific | 151 |
Kogan Spaghetti | 17yrs | Male | Tasman | 141 |
Jan Schuette | 18yrs | Male | Coral | 54 |
sample database
use teste
create table students
id int auto_increment
primary key,
username text null,
firstname text null,
lastname text null,
age int null,
house text null,
sex text null,
constraint students_id_uindex
unique (id)
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 'Kogan', 'Spaghetti', 17, 'Tasman ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 'Ami', 'Beckler', 12, 'Pacific ', 'F')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 'Jan', 'Schuette', 18, 'Coral ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('px.t1', 'px', 't1', 16, 'Pacific ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('px.t2', 'px', 't2', 17, 'Pacific ', 'F')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('px.t3', 'px', 't3', 18, 'Pacific ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('cx.t4', 'cx', 't4', 15, 'Coral ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('cx.t5', 'cx', 't5', 14, 'Coral ', 'D')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('cx.t6', 'cx', 't6', 13, 'Coral ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('tx.t7', 'tx', 't7', 13, 'Tasman ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('tx.t8', 'tx', 't8', 13, 'Tasman ', 'M')
INSERT INTO teste.students (username, firstname, lastname, age, house, sex) VALUES ('tx.t9', 'tx', 't9', 13, 'Tasman ', 'M')
create table spoints
id int auto_increment
primary key,
username text null,
points int null,
student_id int null,
constraint spoints_id_uindex
unique (id),
constraint spoints_students_id_fk
foreign key (student_id) references students (id)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 2, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 5, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 2, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 9, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 6, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 6, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 1, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 3, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 8, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 7, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 2, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('jan.schuette ', 3, 3)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 3, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 12, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 34, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 5, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 3, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 6, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 77, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 8, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 2, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('ami.beckler', 1, 2)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 1, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 1, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 5, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 4, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 1, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 75, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 7, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 1, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 6, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 34, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 1, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('kogan.spaghetti', 5, 1)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('px.t1', 2, 4)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('px.t2', 2, 5)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('px.t3', 2, 6)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('cx.t4', 2, 7)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('cx.t5', 2, 8)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('cx.t6', 2, 9)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('tx.t7', 2, 10)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('tx.t8', 2, 11)
INSERT INTO teste.spoints (username, points, student_id) VALUES ('tx.t9', 2, 12)
php exemple
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
use filter to add the st, nd, rd complement
using the variable $i as a line counter knowing that your query is already sorted
$filter = array('th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th');
if (($i %100) >= 11 && ($i%100) <= 13)
$rank = $i. 'th';
$rank = ($i)? $i. $filter[$i % 10] : $i;
</tr>",$rank, $row['name'], $row['Age'], $row['Sex'], $row['House'], $row['points'].'pts'