I have a list of lists filter items as this:
[['3aa', '1ss', '2bb'], ['4aa', '5bb'], ['3nn', '9mm', '6cc']]
My database table has a field with a field(category) holding a list as value: ['4aa', '5bb']
How can I query to fetch items whose category is in the filter list?
Something like:
Table.objects.filter(category__in=[['3aa', '1ss', '2bb'], ['4aa', '5bb'], ['3nn', '9mm', '6cc']])
Class Table(…):
category = models.jsonfield()
Does exact lookup work ? (Table.objects.filter(category=['3aa', '1ss', '2bb'])
If so you can use Q objects
q_conditions = Q()
for categories in categories_list:
q_conditions |= Q(category=categories)