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What means the gen2 in Ubuntu Server 22_04-lts-gen2?

I am new to Azure VMs and want to have the latest Ubuntu Server stable LTS release. However the list of images isn't quite clear to me:

az vm image list -o table --all --publisher Canonical --offer Ubuntu --sku 22_04-lts --architecture x64
// ...
x64             0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy           Canonical    22_04-lts               Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts:22.04.202302280                22.04.202302280
x64             0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy           Canonical    22_04-lts-gen2          Canonical:0001-com-ubuntu-server-jammy:22_04-lts-gen2:22.04.202204200           22.04.202204200

What is the difference between 22_04-lts and 22_04-lts-gen2? Is 22_04-lts-gen2 another word for version 22.04.2?


  • Gen 2 VMs have some improvements over the previous generations:

    Generation 2 VMs support key features that aren't supported in generation 1 VMs. These features include increased memory, Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX), and virtualized persistent memory (vPMEM). Generation 2 VMs running on-premises, have some features that aren't supported in Azure yet.

    Generation 2 VMs use the new UEFI-based boot architecture rather than the BIOS-based architecture used by generation 1 VMs. Compared to generation 1 VMs, generation 2 VMs might have improved boot and installation times.
