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How do I stop Key Error on df.sort_values()?

I can't seem to find an answer to this particular error. I am trying to do a simple sort on my dataframe but every time I do it gives a Key Error. Here is my code:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

scores = [97, 91, 95, 88, 67, 65]
weights = [.5, .2, .1, .1, .05, .05]

##Put this into a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Scores','Weights'])
df.Scores = scores
df.Weights = weights


Every time I run this I get:

KeyError: 0    97
1    91
2    95
3    88
4    67
5    65
Name: Scores, dtype: int64

Can anyone identify what I'm doing wrong?


  • 1 - In case you want to sort entire DataFrame based on a specific column, should fill the parameter as follows :

       Scores  Weights
    5      65     0.05
    4      67     0.05
    3      88     0.10
    1      91     0.20
    2      95     0.10
    0      97     0.50

    2 - In case you only want to sort Series, you should write it as follows :

    5    65
    4    67
    3    88
    1    91
    2    95
    0    97
    Name: Scores, dtype: int64