I am trying to make a hotkey using AutoHotKey v2 that toggles through the audio output options using nircmd setdefaultsound
. The following program is what I have: it does not give errors, and it gives the MsgBox but it always says "Headphones" and it does not actually change the device.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
;Everything until the first return autoruns
device := "Speakers"
; Audio Output Device Toggle
if (device = "Speakers")
device := "Headphones"
else if (device = "Headphones")
device := "Speakers"
MsgBox Format("Selected device: {}", device)
run "nircmd.exe setdefaultsounddevice %device%"
What is causing this not to work?
Your variable device
is not in that hotkey's scope. You'd have to explicitly state that you're using a variable from the global scope. Or in this case what you really want is a static variable in the hotkey's scope.(about local and global)
And also, you're trying to use the legacy AHK syntax for referring to a variable. And even while inside a string. There's absolutely no way that could work. Here's a fixed script, although I can't comment on what you're doing with nircmd. I don't use it, so I won't know if it will work.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
;Everything until the first return autoruns
;device := "Speakers"
; Audio Output Device Toggle
;global device ;to refer from global scope
static device := "Speakers" ;use a static variable
if (device = "Speakers")
device := "Headphones"
else if (device = "Headphones")
device := "Speakers"
MsgBox("Selected device: " device)
Run("nircmd.exe setdefaultsounddevice " device)