I have the below code trying to train a neural network in Julia but I am getting an error whenever I try using Flux.train!
using Flux, CSV, DataFrames, Random, Statistics, Plots
# Load the data
data = CSV.read("daily_stock_returns.csv")
# Split the data into training and testing sets
train_data = data[1:800, :]
test_data = data[801:end, :]
# Define the input and output variables
inputs = Matrix(train_data[:, 2:end])
outputs = Matrix(train_data[:, 1])
# Define the neural network architecture
n_inputs = size(inputs, 2)
n_hidden = 10
n_outputs = 1
model = Chain(
Dense(n_inputs, n_hidden, relu),
Dense(n_hidden, n_outputs)
# Define the loss function
loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(model(x), y)
# Define the optimizer
optimizer = ADAM()
# Train the model
n_epochs = 100
for epoch in 1:n_epochs
Flux.train!(loss, params(model), [(inputs, outputs)], optimizer)
# Test the model
test_inputs = Matrix(test_data[:, 2:end])
test_outputs = Matrix(test_data[:, 1])
predictions = Flux.predict(model, test_inputs)
test_loss = Flux.mse(predictions, test_outputs)
# Print the test loss
println("Test loss: $test_loss")
When I run this cell of code:
# Train the model
n_epochs = 100
for epoch in 1:n_epochs
Flux.train!(loss, params(model), [(inputs, outputs)], optimizer)
I get the below error.
UndefVarError: params not defined
[1] top-level scope
@ .\In[16]:4
[2] eval
@ .\boot.jl:368 [inlined]
[3] include_string(mapexpr::typeof(REPL.softscope), mod::Module, code::String, filename::String)
@ Base .\loading.jl:1428
I have tried uninstalling and installing with no improvement. How do I fix this error?
It's because Fux.params
(see the docs) isn't exported by default. You either replace params
by Flux.params
(which is how it's often done in the docs, as far as I recall), or replace using Flux
by using Flux: params
(the second option being probably less ideal because it adds a name that is really generic to your namespace).