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VOLTTRON: `python3` Does not install all packages

I am in the process of installing VOLTTRON on my raspberry Pi. I came across this VOLTTON installation video and followed the same steps. But my installation is running into some issues:

On a Linux machine, as shown in the installation video: It installed all packages without any errors and I observed seven bars (showing the installation progress) enter image description here

On my Raspberry Pi 4 Model B machine: installed few packages initially and then it stops with errors. enter image description here

I need your help to understand what went wrong. I repeated the installation 2 to 3 times and I don't know if error is to with this. But there is one error message I clearly see is ERROR: you must give atleast one requirement to install. I don't know what it means and what additional input I have to give? I appreciate your help. Thanks

Update: More information on my Raspberry Pi 4 OS

enter image description here

Python3 version: enter image description here

Result of installing pre-required packages: enter image description here enter image description here

I tried installing VOLLTRON on another Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (2 GB RAM). Unlike the previous one, I did not repeat the installation instructions and install any unnecessary packages. Initially, two packages seem to have been installed without any errors. How do I know? Well, I see two bars (below screenshot). On the video demo, I observed seven bars, meaning that for some reason, five packages failed to install on my RPi board. Then it ended with some errors with text in red color. Screenshot: enter image description here


  • I just did a fresh VOLTTRON install on RPI4 but it was running Raspbian version 11. I had no issues. I guess make sure you have python3-dev, python3-venv, and build-essential installed via apt prior to bootstrap.