I am looking at satellite netcdf format data using xarray, but I first need to convert the dimensions from scanline (the y index corresponding with the satellite scan direction) and ground-pixel (the x index corresponding with the direction adjacent to the scan direction) to latitude and longitude. The latitude and longitude dimensions are currently defined as coordinates in the format: latitude(scanline, ground_pixel). How can I convert these into dimensions of latitude(latitude) and longitude(longitude)? I'd like to be able to plot and query the xarray using lat lon coordinates and xarray query/plotting functions.
Here's a picture of the xarray. I've not yet been able to reproduce a simple example of this data format, with the two dimensions defined for the latitude and longitude coordinates.
The latitude and longitudes in geographical coordinates can be found using: ds.latitude.values and ds.longitude.values, but these are subset into the scanline and ground-pixel arrays. I think I need to collapse these into a single list of latitudes/longitudes.
The data was on an irregular grid and I used the following method to regrid it (see the XESMF docs for further info: https://xesmf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/notebooks/Pure_numpy.html):
import xesmf as xe
lats = ds_subset.latitude.values
lons = ds_subset.longitude.values
# creating the lat and lon regular grid arrays
# I've just used 100 to test the method quickly, a larger value is required to best represent the resolution of the original data
grid_lats = np.linspace(lats.min(), lats.max(), 100)
grid_lons = np.linspace(lons.min(), lons.max(), 100)
# make the grid that the data will be regridded to
new_grid = xr.Dataset({'lat':(['lat'],grid_lats), 'lon':(['lon'],grid_lons)})
# use periodic=False if either or both the lat and lon dimensions are not regular. I found that the nearest neighbour method works the best. There's data loss with bilinear.
regridder = xe.Regridder(ds_subset,new_grid, 'nearest_s2d', periodic=False,)
# regrid the data
ds_new = regridder(ds_subset)