I am using Supabase for Auth with React Native and using React Navigation. When the user requests for password reset I set a redirect URL myApp://updatepassword
. This link comes back with the link in the email but only always opens the initialRoute/first route on the navigation stack. I am using React Navigation. Note: myApp://updatepassword
works as expected when I run it in the browser on the device or simulator. Is it possible Supabase only takes the first part of my route? That is myApp://
I tried to set the redirect directly on the Supabase console as well as in the callback directly. I always get the right link (https://...supabase.co/auth/v1/verify?token=&type=recovery&redirect_to=myApp://updatepassword/
) but still matches only the initial or first route on the stack. I saw an issue that says it needs the trailing slash but still doesn't work. Any ideas why would be appreciated.
In case anybody runs into something similar. Turns out it's as a result of the # URL fragment in Supabase and React Navigation does not work with #. Using the getStateFromPath
we can get the URL and replace # to access the URL properly with React Navigation. Like so:
import { getStateFromPath } from '@react-navigation/native';
const linking: LinkingOptions<RootStackParamList> = {
prefixes: [prefix],
config: {
screens: {
updatepassword: 'updatepassword'
getStateFromPath: (path, options) => {
const accessiblePath = path.replace("#", "?");
return getStateFromPath(accessiblePath, options);
This was answered here by @suchardao https://github.com/supabase/supabase/discussion/10754#discussioncomment-4401396.