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Supabase Redirect URL not working for Deeplinking

I am using Supabase for Auth with React Native and using React Navigation. When the user requests for password reset I set a redirect URL myApp://updatepassword. This link comes back with the link in the email but only always opens the initialRoute/first route on the navigation stack. I am using React Navigation. Note: myApp://updatepassword works as expected when I run it in the browser on the device or simulator. Is it possible Supabase only takes the first part of my route? That is myApp://?

I tried to set the redirect directly on the Supabase console as well as in the callback directly. I always get the right link ( but still matches only the initial or first route on the stack. I saw an issue that says it needs the trailing slash but still doesn't work. Any ideas why would be appreciated.


  • In case anybody runs into something similar. Turns out it's as a result of the # URL fragment in Supabase and React Navigation does not work with #. Using the getStateFromPath we can get the URL and replace # to access the URL properly with React Navigation. Like so:

    import { getStateFromPath } from '@react-navigation/native';
    const linking: LinkingOptions<RootStackParamList> = {
      prefixes: [prefix],
      config: {
        screens: {
          updatepassword: 'updatepassword'
      getStateFromPath: (path, options) => {
        const accessiblePath = path.replace("#", "?");
        return getStateFromPath(accessiblePath, options);

    This was answered here by @suchardao