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Simple way to compare two objects with unknown stuctures

Let's say I have object which describes expected result:

"property1" : "value1",
"property2" : "value2",
    "property3" :{
        "property4" : "value4"

I don't care about all the extra properties. For example,in this case, I get actual result like this, and it will be a match, as all expected properties are present and have expected values:


And this will not be a match:


Difficult part here is that I don't know structure in advance; I need a function that would match any objects.

My best idea so far is to use lodash merge to flatten both objects so they look like this:


After which I can just cycle on all expected properties. This solution feels awkward, though; is there a simpler, easier way to accomplish this?


  • Simple way using Lodash's by transform function to iterate over each key-value pair in the input object, and checks if the value is an object using isObject. If the value is an object, the implementation creates a nested object using transform again, with a function that concatenates the key with the nested key using dot notation. The nested object is then merged with the result object using assign:

    const _ = require('lodash');
    const flattenedObj = _.transform(myObj, function (result, value, key) {
      if (_.isObject(value)) {
        const nestedObj = _.transform(value, function (nestedResult, nestedValue, nestedKey) {
          nestedResult[key + '.' + nestedKey] = nestedValue;
        _.assign(result, nestedObj);
      } else {
        result[key] = value;