I have a number of .msg files, which are saved emails from Outlook 2016. Some emails are encrypted, some have attachments. How to figure out if email encrypted? It should work on the server which do not have Office installed. Now I'm writing prove of concept console app, but this code also could be used in web app. Could be subsequent tasks to a get list of recipients if it's encrypted. Is it even possible? It may require decryption, which could be .. difficult, if you are not a recipient. Observation: if I search email string "sam@boo.com" in the .msg file, then I can find it only if email unencrypted.
My pseudo code below. I installed libary Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook by NuGet:
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
namespace EmlReader
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string emailPath = @"C:\Test\temp-saved-mail-enc.msg";
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem mailItem = ... load from file // how?
Outlook.Application POfficeApp = (Outlook.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("Outlook.Application"); // note that it returns an exception if Outlook is not running
Outlook.MailItem POfficeItem = (Outlook.MailItem)POfficeApp.ActiveInspector().CurrentItem; // now pOfficeItem is the COM object that represents your .eml file
PS Related article written by me in relation to Outlook Plugin: How to check if outlook email encrypted? But it related to workstation, not to the server.
It's been for a while, so I'm answering it the way I did it in the past, which is not perfect, but works. I believe it's self explanatory, for more details there is similar discussion here. Code also check for "signed" emails.
// let's detect only encrypted emails
// ignore signed emails
private static dynamic IsEmailEcrypted(Outlook.MailItem mailItem)
//Value Const Description
//NONE 0x0000 Message has no security
//SIGNED 0x0002 Message is signed
//ENCRYPTED 0x0001 Message is encrypted
//SIGNED & ENCRYPTED 0x0003 Message is signed and encrypted
//SIGNED & ENCRYPTED 00100011 = 35 Message is signed and encrypted // x35 ??
const string OutlookPropertyAccessorSchema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x6E010003";
Outlook.PropertyAccessor outlookPropertyAccessor = mailItem.PropertyAccessor;
int header = outlookPropertyAccessor.GetProperty(OutlookPropertyAccessorSchema);
if (header == 1 || header == 3 || header == 35)
return true;
return false;