In r, I have some data in a data frame and need to export it to jsonl
. In jsonl
each line is its own valid json. As the linked question shows, you can easily do that by applying jsonlite::toJSON()
to each row. My problem is that I need one of the variables to be a scalar string, but toJSON
makes any vector R vector into a list:
#> Attaching package: 'jsonlite'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':
#> flatten
d <- tibble(
id = 1:3,
text = c("this is a string", "this is another string", "yet another string")
jl <- d |>
transpose() |>
#> [1] "{\"id\":[1],\"text\":[\"this is a string\"]}"
#> [2] "{\"id\":[2],\"text\":[\"this is another string\"]}"
#> [3] "{\"id\":[3],\"text\":[\"yet another string\"]}"
I need text
to be scalar. Desired output:
#> [1] "{\"id\":[1],\"text\":\"this is a string\"}"
#> [2] "{\"id\":[2],\"text\":\"this is another string\"}"
#> [3] "{\"id\":[3],\"text\":\"yet another string\"}"
We may use auto_unbox = TRUE
d |>
transpose() |>
map_chr(toJSON, auto_unbox = TRUE)
[1] "{\"id\":1,\"text\":\"this is a string\"}"
[2] "{\"id\":2,\"text\":\"this is another string\"}"
[3] "{\"id\":3,\"text\":\"yet another string\"}"