I want to add a new column with the day of the week, from another date column.
This code works :
#"Add DAY OF WEEK" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add DAY", "WEEK DAY", each Date.DayOfWeek([DATE_JOURNEE_PRODUCTION], Day.Monday))
But I cannot replace the name of the date column (called DATE_JOURNEE_PRODUCTION) by the position of this column in the table.
I'm trying to replace the code for something like
#"Add DAY OF WEEK" = Table.AddColumn(#"Add DAY", "WEEK DAY", each Date.DayOfWeek(Table.ColumnNames(#"Expanded Data"){1}, Day.Monday))
But this Table column names is not working.
Anybody could help me ?
Thank you !
Create a new column using the position of another colum
each Date.DayOfWeek(Record.Field(_,Table.ColumnNames(#"Expanded Data"){1}), Day.Monday)