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"Using deprecated '-debug' fallback for parameter name resolution" warning persists in Spring Boot 3.0.3 when MongoMappingContext creates entities

I am using Spring Boot 3.0.3, Spring Core 6.0.5 with Spring Data MongoDB 4.0.2. I see many warning messages of the form

ocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer : Using deprecated '-debug' fallback for parameter name resolution. Compile the affected code with '-parameters' instead or avoid its introspection: <your mongo entity here>

Inserting a breakpoint at source of the message, I get this stack trace:

apply:-1, LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer$$Lambda$1162/0x00000008013cfa98 (org.springframework.core)
computeIfAbsent:1708, ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent)
doGetParameterNames:96, LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer (org.springframework.core)
getParameterNames:90, LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer (org.springframework.core)
getParameterNames:67, PrioritizedParameterNameDiscoverer (org.springframework.core)
buildPreferredConstructor:236, PreferredConstructorDiscoverer$Discoverers (
discover:118, PreferredConstructorDiscoverer$Discoverers$1 (
discover:82, PreferredConstructorDiscoverer (
discover:81, InstanceCreatorMetadataDiscoverer (
<init>:113, BasicPersistentEntity (
<init>:84, BasicMongoPersistentEntity (
createPersistentEntity:88, MongoMappingContext (
createPersistentEntity:41, MongoMappingContext (
doAddPersistentEntity:403, AbstractMappingContext (
addPersistentEntity:379, AbstractMappingContext (
addPersistentEntity:339, AbstractMappingContext (
accept:-1, AbstractMappingContext$$Lambda$1098/0x00000008013bded0 (
forEach:75, Iterable (java.lang)
forEach:-1, ManagedTypes$$Lambda$1093/0x00000008013b90f0 (
forEach:79, MongoManagedTypes (
initialize:484, AbstractMappingContext (
afterPropertiesSet:476, AbstractMappingContext (
invokeInitMethods:1798, AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory (
initializeBean:1748, AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory (
doCreateBean:600, AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory (
createBean:522, AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory (
lambda$doGetBean$0:326, AbstractBeanFactory (
getObject:-1, AbstractBeanFactory$$Lambda$414/0x0000000800e45ff0 (
getSingleton:234, DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry (
doGetBean:324, AbstractBeanFactory (
getBean:200, AbstractBeanFactory (
resolveCandidate:254, DependencyDescriptor (org.springframework.beans.factory.config)
doResolveDependency:1405, DefaultListableBeanFactory (
resolveDependency:1325, DefaultListableBeanFactory (
resolveAutowiredArgument:885, ConstructorResolver (
createArgumentArray:789, ConstructorResolver (
instantiateUsingFactoryMethod:548, ConstructorResolver (
... truncated

I am aware of this issue but I understand that I am using code that should contain the fix explained there. Is this evidence that we're not following current recommended practices for initializing our Mongo entities somehow? We did not see this warning prior to upgrading our app to Spring Boot 3.0.x.


  • Due to these changes in Spring Framework 6.0, the use of the -parameters compiler option is now strongly encouraged. It allows the names of constructor and methods parameters to be discovered without having to resort to extracting them from debug information in .class files.

    Spring Framework 6's upgrade guide has the following to say on this topic:

    LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer is deprecated now and logs a warning for each successful resolution attempt (it only kicks in when StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer has not found names). Compile your Java sources with the common Java 8+ -parameters flag for parameter name retention (instead of relying on the -debug compiler flag) in order to avoid that warning, or report it to the maintainers of the affected code. With the Kotlin compiler, we recommend the -java-parameters flag for completeness.