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Why Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech from Blazor WebAssembly [NET 6.0] does not work?

I have a .NET console app that works perfectly fine.

Both PowerShell and curl return no errors

In Blazor I have

    string speechKey = "<...>"; .
    string speechRegion = "<...>";

    var speechConfig = SpeechConfig.FromSubscription(speechKey, speechRegion);

And speechConfig is null here (not in the console app)

I debug and:

fail: Microsoft.WebAssembly.Diagnostics.DevToolsProxy[0] sending error response for id: msg-BCE647DB29F0CA15F52342050F3B6E49:::1041 -> [Result: IsOk: False, IsErr: True, Value: , Error: {   "result": {     "type": "object",     "subtype": "error",     "description": "Cannot find member named 'SpeechConfig'.",     "className": "ReferenceError"   } } ]

enter image description here


  • The reason is that WebAssembly (WASM) is not currently supported by Azure Speech SDK, we have work item to make that support available in the future. See related issue

    Currently for browser development, we have JS SDK available