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String filtering

I have a Java like Groovy script, using for Jenkins Pipelines.

In there I have the following scenario. There's a ArrayList with Strings, specifying versions of a script, such as:

def version_list = [] as ArrayList<String>
-> [Version-, Version-, Version-, Version-, Version-]

This list is fixed and cannot be modified. I am iterating over the list to get each element, to do some processing.

Additionally I need to check for each element, if there is a point release of the same version i.e.:

   version_list.each{each_version -> //each_version = Version-
                    if(version_list.contains(2.3.x.0)){ //while x!=0
                       print("Version " + each_version + "has point_release")

I already tried the following, but this is not working.

 def version_list = [] as ArrayList<String>
 def splitted_ver = [] as ArrayList<String>
 version_list.each{each_version ->
                        splitted_ver = each_version.split("\\.")
                        if (version_list.contains("^" + splitted_ver[0] + "." +  splitted_ver[1] + "(.([1-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\$)")){
                            print(each_version + " has a point_release!")   
                            print("has no point_release")


  • I believe you're going for something like this

    //example list
    def version_list = ["Version-","Version-","Version-","Version-","Version-"]
    //group by version first 2 digits
    def ver_map = version_list.groupBy{ ver -> ver.substring(8,11) }
    ver_map.each{ k, v ->
        //prints the lowest (root) version in each set, 
        //then determines if any has point version
        println new StringBuilder().append(v.min{it}).append(" ").append(v.any{ 
                ? "has a point release!" : "has no point release")}

    In this example, prints out

    Version- has a point release!
    Version- has a point release!
    Version- has no point release