I am using the mqtt-paho python library. I am subscribing using a list of tuples so I can subscribe to multiple topics using a single call.
Is there a way to get the topic string so I can log it or (not yet implemented) to store it in an object with its associated request id (mid returned by the subscribe() function)?
My code:
def on_connect(self, client, userdata, flags, rc):
if rc == 0:
self.connected = True
self.logger.info(f"Connected to MQTT broker with result code {str(rc)}")
(result, mid) = self.mqttclient.subscribe([(self.__topic1, self.__qos), (self.__topic2, self.__qos)])
if result_subscription == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS:
print(result_subscription, subscription_id)
# self.logger.info(f"Successfully subscribed to {topicname??}")
except ValueError:
self.logger.error(f"Cannot subscribe to {topicname??}")
def on_subscribe(self, client, userdata, mid, granted_qos):
if mid is not None:
# I would like here to log the topic subscribed if possible and why not associate in object the topic name and the sub ID (mid)
self.logger.info(f"Client has successfully subscribed to {mytopic??}\n"
f"Granted_QOS {granted_qos}\n"
f"Userdata: {userdata}\n"
f"Mid: {mid}\n"
f"Client: {client}\n")
Any ideas? Thanks
No, not from the library it's self.
But there is nothing to stop you storing the list of topics in a hashtable keyed by the mid
so you can use the mid
passed to the on_subscribe
callback to get the topic list and match it to the list of QOS values in granted_qos