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get all annotated member properties in kotlin

I'm trying to get all member properties' JsonPath in kotlin.
Following is my data class with annotated fields

class Test(
    @Mask val testField: String?,
    val nested: NestedTest,
    val nestedList: List<NestedTest>?,
    val generic: GenericTest<NestedGenericTest>

class NestedTest(
    @Mask val test2: String = "",
    val nestedNestedTest: NestedNestedTest = NestedNestedTest()

class NestedNestedTest(
    val test3: String = ""

class GenericTest<T>(
    val generic: T

class NestedGenericTest(
    val nestedGeneric: String

H'm trying using kotlin-reflection, but I don't care what I use.
how can I get it?


  • Okay, so let's start with defining our annotation.

    annotation class Mask

    The important thing here is the retention, which must be runtime.

    In my solution I am going to operate on Kotlin properties, so I need to slightly change the Annotation target:

    // from
    class Clazz(
        @Mask val field: Field
    // to
    class Clazz(
        @property:Mask val field: Field

    What I need to do is to take all object properties and iterate over them (to find all marked fields).

    At first lest define some types I am not going to get deeper. In my case, it's just a list of primitives and String:

    val simpleTypes = setOf(
        // define types you would like to stop iterating (like "basic types")

    So, in my function, I am going to return a property definition with its value:

    typealias KPropertyWithValue = Pair<KProperty1<out Any, *>, Any?>

    To finally get my functions:

    fun getMaskedFromObject(v: Any?): List<KPropertyWithValue> {
        // early returns - support for some special types, like Collection, Arrays etc.
        when {
            v == null -> return emptyList()
            v is Collection<*> -> return v.flatMap { getMaskedFromObject(it) }
            v is Array<*> -> return v.flatMap { getMaskedFromObject(it) }
            // support for other types (Streams, custom collections etc.)
            v::class in simpleTypes -> return emptyList()
        v!! // just a mark the v is not null at this point - kotlin compiler is not handling the first when/return properly
        val properties = v::class.memberProperties
        val annotated = properties.filter { it.annotations.any { ann -> ann is Mask } }
        val propertyValues = { }
        val annotatedWithValue = {
            val value =
            Pair(it, value)
        return annotatedWithValue + propertyValues.flatMap { getMaskedFromObject(it) }

    So, with a code like:

    fun main() {
        val test = Test(
            testField = "root_testField",
            nested = NestedTest(
                test2 = "nested_test2",
                nestedNestedTest = NestedNestedTest(
                    test3 = "nested_test3"
            nestedList = listOf(
                    test2 = "list_test2",
                    nestedNestedTest = NestedNestedTest(
                        test3 = "list_test3"
            generic = GenericTest(
                generic = NestedGenericTest(
                    nestedGeneric = "generic_nested"
        val result = getMaskedFromObject(test)
        result.forEach { 

    The result is:

    (val com.example.springsandbox.utils.Test.testField: kotlin.String?, root_testField)
    (val com.example.springsandbox.utils.NestedGenericTest.nestedGeneric: kotlin.String, generic_nested)
    (val com.example.springsandbox.utils.NestedTest.test2: kotlin.String, nested_test2)
    (val com.example.springsandbox.utils.NestedNestedTest.test3: kotlin.String, nested_test3)
    (val com.example.springsandbox.utils.NestedTest.test2: kotlin.String, list_test2)
    (val com.example.springsandbox.utils.NestedNestedTest.test3: kotlin.String, list_test3)

    Please notice a few things:

    • there are a few types that would require additional coding (Arrays, maps, custom collections, Streams etc.)
    • we cannot determine if a value comes from the object (by nesting) or the collection, but it's possible to create such a "path" while processing the object
    • I am operating on Kotlin Properties, there will be a few differences if you would like to operate on Java fields