The task is simple, however I can't figure it out. I have following function:
/// <summary>
/// Highlights areas on the image
/// </summary>
/// <param name="initialImage">Initial image to highlight on</param>
/// <param name="rectanglesToHighlight">Areas to highlight</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Image Highlight(Image initialImage, params RectangleF[] rectanglesToHighlight)
// Initial image
Image result = initialImage.Clone(x => x.Opacity(1f));
// Color of the mask
Color maskColor = Color.Red;
// Mask for each rectangle to highlight
Image mask = new Image<Rgba32>(initialImage.Width, initialImage.Height, maskColor);
// Recolor brush to draw transparent rectangles
RecolorBrush brush = new RecolorBrush(maskColor, Color.Transparent, 1f);
// Draw each rectangle on mask
foreach(RectangleF rect in rectanglesToHighlight)
// Draw current rectangle on mask with transparent color
mask.Mutate(x => x.Clear(brush, rect));
// Apply mask to the initial image
result.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(mask, PixelColorBlendingMode.Normal, 0.5f));
// Return result image
return result;
If I'm creating new variable like this:
Image result = initialImage;
Applying mask to result changes both initialImage and result.
I need to have variable with initial image in it, so the best way I found was to clone it with unnecessary function (in first line of code in the function).
My question is: How can I copy initial image into new instance without running unnecessary function? And I also wonder why initialImage changes at all.