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Styled components with rfs sizing

How to use RFS with styled-components? It seems that rfs has a PostCSS plugin but do some one used it before.


  • Based on new updates on

    So RFS is a bunch of logic whose job is to output CSS, and styled-components's job is just to take CSS and do stuff with it under the hood. That means styled-components doesn't actually need to know RFS exists; all you need to do is find some way to stick RFS's output directly into styled-components's input, and you'll have them working with each other just fine. And, happily enough, the only SASS features RFS uses (rule-nesting and the & selector) happen to be understood by styled-components as well -- meaning you don't have to rearrange RFS's internals at all to do that!

    We can use it is a way like this:

    import styled from 'styled-components';
    import rfs from 'rfs.js';
    const Button = styled.a`
      background-color: lightblue;
      ${rfs('3rem', 'height')}
      ${rfs('1rem')} /* font-size, also rfs.fontSize('1rem') or rfs('1rem', 'font-size') */