I am trying to plot bars and line in a single plot from the following data:
amount cost profit
64 22.915949 48.15697753
128 15.424979 56.41929322
256 9.473054 49.80545598
512 6.685107 96.8453052
1024 4.897494 56.82355225
So far I have come to the following plot:
Using this code:
set boxwidth 40.0 abs
set style fill solid
set y2tics
set ytics nomirror
set grid y
set bmargin at screen 0.2
set tmargin at screen 0.9
# Set the graph title and axis labels
set title "Title"
set xlabel "Amount"
set ylabel "Cost"
set y2label "Profit"
plot 'data.txt' using 1:2:xtic(1) with boxes axes x1y1, \
'data.txt' using 1:3 w lp pt 7 lw 2 ps 1 axes x1y2
pause -1
How can I make the bars not be separated but close together with a little constant separation?
Short answer: use the pseudocolumn 0 for the x-values (check help pseudocolumns
For example like this:
### bars and pseudocolumn
reset session
$Data <<EOD
amount cost profit
64 22.915949 48.15697753
128 15.424979 56.41929322
256 9.473054 49.80545598
512 6.685107 96.8453052
1024 4.897494 56.82355225
# Set the graph title and axis labels
set title "Title"
set xlabel "Amount"
set ylabel "Cost"
set ytics nomirror
set y2label "Profit"
set y2tics
set boxwidth 0.8
set style fill solid 0.4
plot $Data u 0:2:xtic(1) w boxes axes x1y1 ti "Cost",\
'' u 0:3 w lp pt 7 lw 2 axes x1y2 ti "Profit"
### end of script