I created a SNS subscription and started receiving bunch of emails
I'm interested in receiving only following emails:
All emails with New Compliance Change Record
or complianceType
in message body
I found this guide https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sns/latest/dg/message-filtering.html, according to this i need to specify value for complianceType
which is not what i want.
I need to get any email with with New Compliance Change Record
or complianceType
in message body
New Compliance Change Record:
"awsAccountId": "123456789",
"configRuleName": "encrypted-volumes",
"configRuleARN": "arn:aws:config:us-east-1:279052847476:config-rule/config-rule-3sovvx",
"resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Volume",
"resourceId": "vol-0f4f07ce39ca10b26",
"awsRegion": "us-east-1",
"newEvaluationResult": {
"evaluationResultIdentifier": {
"evaluationResultQualifier": {
"configRuleName": "encrypted-volumes",
"resourceType": "AWS::EC2::Volume",
"resourceId": "vol-0f4f07ce39ca10b26"
"orderingTimestamp": "2018-06-12T00:31:39.624Z"
"complianceType": "NON_COMPLIANT",
"resultRecordedTime": "2018-06-12T00:31:43.838Z",
"configRuleInvokedTime": "2018-06-12T00:31:43.595Z",
"annotation": null,
"resultToken": null
Tried this:
"complianceType" : {"Type":"String","Value":"*"}
managed to set this filter though, but not sure is it correct
"complianceType" :["NON_COMPLIANT","COMPLIANT"]
You can now use payload-based message filtering to address your need: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/introducing-payload-based-message-filtering-for-amazon-sns/