I’m using AWS SDK to query my DynamoDB table. I would like to update an item based on a conditional expression. If the value is not already existing in a list, I want to add it. Here are the params I’ve wrote:
var params = {
TableName: "table_name",
Key: {
PartKey: "part_key",
SortKey: "sort_key"
UpdateExpression: "SET MyList = list_append(MyList, :i)",
ConditionExpression: "NOT contains(MyList, :i)",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":i": [new_value]
Unfortunately, it seems that my conditional expression is always satisfied (true) as even if the value I try to add to my list already exist, the update proceed and I get duplicate...
Your params should look like this:
var params = {
TableName: "table_name",
Key: {
PartKey: "part_key",
SortKey: "sort_key"
UpdateExpression: "SET MyList = list_append(MyList, :i)",
ConditionExpression: "NOT contains(MyList, :b)",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":i": [new_value],
":b": new_value