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Reinstall Aptana Studio 3 bundles to get my custom snippets back?

I'm using Aptana Studio 3 for JavaScript development. Day 1, I tried importing some old favorite Textmate snippets etc. with limited success. Some keys like dot, comma, "d + number" etc. takes precedence over my custom commands and the situation has become almost unbearable ...
(Hmm, no, unbearable situation should be reserved for this:

What should I do next?

I really just want to take back control :)

1) How do I make sure my own custom snippets always takes precedence in all scopes?
2) How do I delete all existing (conflicting?) bundles and get some decent ones back?


  • I believe the majority of those cases were issues with 3.0.4. Can you try updating to 3.0.5 beta to see if that helps?