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What is the path of Config.prc files in Panda3D

I am new in Panda3D and I want to change my window size to fullscreen through .prc files. How can I do it?


  • From the documentation:

    In its default mode, when Panda starts up it will search in the install/etc directory (or in the directory named by the environment variable PRC_DIR if it is set) for all files named *.prc (that is, any files with an extension of "prc") and read each of them for runtime configuration. (It is possible to change this default behavior; see COMPILE-TIME OPTIONS FOR FINDING PRC FILES, below.)

    To access config variables from your program read up on this resource:

    You can use the loadPrcFile function to load your custom config file with a specified path:

    from panda3d.core import loadPrcFile

    To only change one variable such as making your window fullscreen use the loadPrcFileData function:

    from panda3d.core import loadPrcFileData
    loadPrcFileData('', 'fullscreen true')