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Invalid URL when creating CosmosClient in javascript

I'm having a strange issue that when I try to create a client to connect to my CosmosDB, its throwing in an invalid URL error.

The code is simple and I know the keys and connection string are correct because in a different project I'm using them to connect with the DB in an Azure functions app (but that's in C#/.Net). But for various reasons I need to create this in node. I have tried creating the client with just the connection string and with the endpoint and key pass separately, both give the same result.

Here's my code -

const { CosmosClient } = require("@azure/cosmos");

const endPoint = "<obscured endpoint>";
const url = new URL(endPoint);
console.log(url.toJSON()); //this is here just to check the url since I was getting the error, and works fine

const key = "<obscured key>";
const connectionString = "<obscured connection string that encodes the endpoint and key>";
const cosmosClient = new CosmosClient({ connectionString });

This is error:

Uncaught TypeError TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL
    at __node_internal_captureLargerStackTrace (internal/errors:491:5)
    at NodeError (internal/errors:400:5)
    at onParseError (internal/url:565:9)
    at URL (internal/url:645:5)
    at checkURL (c:\Web3Scan\Web3Scan\node_modules\@azure\cosmos\src\utils\checkURL.ts:5:10)
    at CosmosClient (c:\Web3Scan\Web3Scan\node_modules\@azure\cosmos\src\CosmosClient.ts:68:22)
    at <anonymous> (c:\Web3Scan\Web3Scan\app.js:16:23)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader:1218:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader:1272:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader:1081:32)
    at Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader:922:12)
    at executeUserEntryPoint (internal/modules/run_main:82:12)
    at <anonymous> (internal/main/run_main_module:23:47)

When I look at checkURL.ts it looks like its doing the same thing as my test, so I'm stumped -

export function checkURL(testString: string): URL {
  return new URL(testString);  //same exact check i'm doing that's successful


  • I believe the reason your code is failing is because the connectionString parameter to CosmosClient is of type string here, however you are passing it as an object.

    Please try by changing the following line of code:

    const cosmosClient = new CosmosClient({ connectionString });


    const cosmosClient = new CosmosClient(connectionString);

    And you should not get any errors.