I have to state providers. The second one (listWithGlobalIDProvider) depends on the first one (currentListProvider) but the first one is independent. But Adding value to the second provider changes the first provider's value. I am calling the listWithGlobalIDProvider inside a futterProvider.
final currentListProvider =
StateProvider.autoDispose<BracketList>((ref) {
final brackets = ref.watch(_currentUserBracketListFutureProvider).value;
return brackets ?? [];
final listWithGlobalIDProvider =
StateProvider.autoDispose<BracketList>((ref) {
final brackets = ref.watch(currentListProvider);
final List<String> list = brackets;
return list;
flutter_riverpod: ^2.2.0
I am expecting that calling the second stateProvider not change the first provider value.
If I understand your question correctly, you could change the line
final List<String> list = brackets;
to instead be
final List<String> list = List<String>.from(brackets);
This should ensure that modifying the second provider won't change the first provider.