I would like to use the bookdown
package to generate a pdf document:
title: "My Book"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
author: "Author"
keep_tex: true
number_sections: true
# chapter 1
## section a
## section b
# chapter 2
## section a
## section b
Here the table of content will be right in the first page and the \newpage
commands are ignored.
How could I push the table of content into the next page ?
on the other hand, if I use the pdf_document
as output the \newpage
commands will work :
title: "My Book"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
author: "Author"
keep_tex: true
number_sections: true
# chapter 1
## section a
## section b
# chapter 2
## section a
## section b
I need to use the bookdown
version in order to do the tables and figures cross referencing.
The toc you see on the first page is not the one you inserted manually. It was automatically inserted. You can use the toc: false
option to switch this off.
title: "My Book"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
author: "Author"
keep_tex: true
number_sections: true
toc: false
# chapter 1
## section a
## section b
# chapter 2
## section a
## section b