I am trying to maximize the internal distance between multiple 2D points while simultaneously minimizing their distance to a center point. I am using L1 distance for calculation and based on one of my previous question I was able to implement the L1 distance constraints to minimize the distance between decision variables to a center point. And this works fine. The solution coordinates are same. That is they overlap eachother.
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
# center point
center = (8, 9)
solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver('GLOP')
d1 = solver.NumVar(0, 1000, 'd1')
d2 = solver.NumVar(0, 1000, 'd2')
# list to store all the points
points = []
# example with just 2 points
for i in range(2):
x = solver.NumVar(0, 1000, f'x_{i}')
y = solver.NumVar(0, 1000, f'y_{i}')
# list to store all the distances to a single point
distances = [solver.NumVar(0, 1000, f'distances_{i}') for i in range(2)]
# Constraints to minimize the distance between each point to the center point
for i in range(2):
solver.Add(d1 == points[i][0] - center[0]) # d1 = x_i - x_center
solver.Add(d2 == points[i][1] - center[1]) # d2 = y_i - y_center
solver.Add(d1 >= 0) # these four constraints to get absolute values
solver.Add(-d1 <= 0)
solver.Add(d2 >= 0)
solver.Add(-d2 <= 0)
solver.Add(distances[i] == d1 + d2)
solver.Minimize(distances[0] + distances[1])
status = solver.Solve()
Now, to avoid overlapping, I want to maximize their internal distances, hence I tried to use the similar approach as follows:
# Constraints to maximize the distance between each individual point
internal_dist = [solver.NumVar(0, 10000, f'internal_dist{i}') for i in range(2)]
count = 0
min_internal_distance = 2
for i in range(2):
for j in range(i + 1 , 2):
solver.Add(d1_internal == points[i][0] - points[j][0]) # d1_internal = x_i - x_j
solver.Add(d2_internal == points[i][1] - points[j][1]) # d2_internal = y_i - y_j
solver.Add(d1_internal <= min_internal_distance ) # Tag_1 - to get absolute distance
solver.Add(-d1_internal >= min_internal_distance)
solver.Add(d2_internal <= min_internal_distance )
solver.Add(-d2_internal <= min_internal_distance )
solver.Add(internal_dist[count] == d1_internal + d2_internal)
count += 1
And the new objective will be as such:
solver.Minimize(distances[0] + distances[1] - internal_dist[0] - internal_dist[1])
But the solver is not finding any solution.
For the second case I removed the four constraints from# Tag_1 - to get absolute distance
, then I get the same solution which I get even without maximizing the distance constraints(so all points are again overlapping)
I think I am implementing the 2nd scenario quite incorrectly. Can you please guide me in the right direction. Thanks :)
In a similar setting, I have implemented the second part using the CP-SAT solver on the euclidian distance. See https://github.com/google/or-tools/blob/main/examples/python/spread_robots_sat.py
Note that the definition of the objective matters, sum (square pairwise distances) puts all points in 2 opposite corners.
sum(pairwise distances) puts all points in all 4 corners
maximize(min pairwise distances) spreads the points nicely. It should be easy to add the min distance to the center point. Balancing the 2 objectives is a bit tricky if you want to get the regular solution (all points equidistant on a circle).
Note, manhattan distance is really bad for this, but is the only one easy to define on a linear solver.