I'm not entirely sure yet whether this only affects incognito windows or also "fresh" normal browser windows (but clearing all browser cache doesn't reproduce the issue).
The issue is the following:
When I try to login to my PHP/HTML website, in an incognito window it looks like the SESSION and COOKIES aren't set the first time that I login. When I enter a username and password, I do get to the 'logged in' page, but when I click any link within the site, it redirects me to the login screen and printing $_SESSION or $_COOKIE shows empty values. The second time I log in, the SESSION and COOKIE are set like normal.
However, I can't figure out why this only occurs in Incognito/InPrivate tabs...
My login flow is as follows:
<?php session_start();
if(!isset($_SESSION["userID"]) && !isset($_COOKIE["userID"])){
// Show login screen
} else {
// Show page with user logged in
if(!empty($_POST["username"]) && !empty($_POST["password"]) && $_POST["action"]=="login"){
// Here I check if the user exists and return $user_data and $user_found.
$_SESSION["userID"]= $user_data["id"];
setcookie("userID", $user_data["id"], time()+31536000);
$_COOKIE["userID"]= $user_data["id"];
} else {
// User not found error
$_SESSION["userID"]= $_COOKIE["userID"];
// Get userdata from database
$user_data= mysqli_fetch_array( ... );
I have tried extensive debugging (printing $_POST, $_COOKIE and $_SESSION at all stages through the login flow): in normal browser windows everything works fine (even with All Cache cleared), in Incognito/InPrivate windows the $_COOKIE and $_SESSION are correctly set when I log in, but when I refresh the page or load another page within the logged-in-section they are empty again.
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Figured out the problem: some JavaScript that I was loading in was ALSO generating a cookie with a PHPSESSID, thus overwriting the sessionID that was created by session_start() and logging me out. The second time, the sessionID generated by the javascript would still be there (thus session_start() would not create a new one) and logging in would work and I would stay logged in.
Tip for anyone having similar problems: check the PHPSESSID cookie in the Developer Tools.