My query returns quite large number of nodes, but I'd like to expand them anyway. Is there Expand all command in Memgraph Lab? I can't find one.
At the moment it is not possible to do that. You could click on each node and click "Expand" but that would take time and it is not efficient at all.
A possible workaround is with Cypher. let's say you have a Cypher query that returns nodes and edges that are your base for the graph view, e.g.
This is on a Pandora Papers dataset, a query to get people having connections to Qatar.
MATCH path=(:Officer)-->(country:Country)
WHERE country.iso_2_code = "QA"
RETURN path;
You can then just remove RETURN path and replace it with WITH path to get level 1 expand on all nodes.
MATCH path=(:Officer)-->(country:Country)
WHERE country.iso_2_code = "QA"
WITH path
MATCH (n)-[e]->(m)
WHERE n IN nodes(path) OR m IN nodes(path)
RETURN n, e, m;
You can do the same if you are not having path in the first query, but n as node, e.g.
MATCH (officer:Officer)-->(country:Country)
WHERE country.iso_2_code = "QA"
WITH collect(officer) + collect(country) as nodes
MATCH (n)-[e]->(m)
WHERE n IN nodes OR m IN nodes
RETURN n, e, m;