I am trying to access 2 different directories in ADLS using for loop & f-string but facing issues in doing so
# Primary storage info
account_name = "accountnamehere" # fill in your primary account name
container_name = "logscontainer" # fill in your container name
subscription_id = "subscriptionname"
resource_group = "My-Resource-ML" # fill in your resource gropup for ADLS account
workspace_name = "My-Workspace-ML" # fill in your la workspace name
for df in datasets :
input_path = f"datasets"
I get the following error
----> 8 datasets=[{test1},{test2}]
9 for df in datasets :
10 input_path = f"datasets"
NameError: name 'test1' is not defined
Can someone help ?
How about the following:
datasets = ['test1', 'test2']
for df in datasets:
input_path = f"{df}/subdirectory"