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run the tcl script with its inputs on one line

i have one script for this script manual input i am giving.

step 1:  tclsh /india/ksantosh/innovus/scripts/def_file.tcl  step 2: it will ask    "def_file.def" 

step3: it will ask offset_x value   "20"

step 4: it will ask for offset_y value   "20"

step 5: it will execute the script and generate modified   "def_file.modified.def"

but I want to execute this in one line to save time tclsh /india/proj_n16_hbm2etigris/n16_hbm2etigris/be/work/ksantosh/innovus/scripts/def_file.tcl  def_file.def  20  20

It should work like /india/proj_n16_hbm2etigris/n16_hbm2etigris/be/work/ksantosh/innovus/scripts/def_file.tcl<input_def> <outputs_def>  <x_offset> <y_offset>  If output-file is not given then it should be<input_def>_modifed.def 

where def_file.tcl have this code

puts "Enter input file name:"
flush stdout
gets stdin filename

set input_def [open $filename r]

# create output file name based on input file name
set output_filename [file rootname $filename]_modified.[file extension $filename]
set output_file [open $output_filename w]
puts "Enter offset_x:"
flush stdout
gets stdin offset_x

puts "Enter offset_y:"
flush stdout
gets stdin offset_y

set star *

while {[gets $input_def line] >=0} {
        if {[ string match {UNITS DISTANCE MICRONS*} $line]} {
        set Micron_Unit [lindex [split $line] 3]
        set Micron_Unit [format "%.1f" $Micron_Unit]
        if {[string match {*ROUTED*} $line] || [string match {*FIXED*} $line] || [string match {*COVER*} $line] || [string match {*SHIELD*} $line] } {
                puts $line

        } else {
            puts $output_file $line
close $input_file
close $output_file


  • It sounds like you need command line arguments. You may define your command format like this:

    def_file.tcl <input_def> <x_offset> <y_offset> [<output_def>]

    Where <output_def> is optional. In you tcl script file, add the following code:

    if { $argc < 3 } {
      puts "Usage: $argv0 <input_def> <x_offset> <y_offset> \[<output_def>\]"
    lassign $argv input_def x_offset y_offset output_def
    if { [string length $output_def] == 0 } {
      set output_filename [file rootname $input_def]_modified.[file extension $input_def]