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Graph API v5 upload file to sharepoint

I have installed the Graph API v5 using c# and I am trying to follow the below examples of uploading a file to sharepoint. Seems like some of the methods do not exist anymore in the graph API v5.

1st code doesnt recognise Items

var uploadSession = await graphClient.Drive.Items["itemId"].ItemWithPath("SWEBOK.pdf").CreateUploadSession().Request().PostAsync();

doesnt recognise Root

var uploadedFile = client.Me.Drive.Root  

Graph API documentation

Upload example

Anyone can refer me to documentation of how to upload using graph api v5.

Is it better to use a older version of Graph API instead of the version 5. Also is it better to use http client call instead of using the SDK libraries. Thanks


  • If you know driveId then you can access MicrosoftGraphCreateUploadSession this way

    var uploadSessionBody = new Microsoft.Graph.Drives.Item.Items.Item.MicrosoftGraphCreateUploadSession.CreateUploadSessionPostRequestBody
        // Item = ...
    var uploadSession = await _client.Drives["driveId"]

    Upload file to your Root

    var uploadedFile = await _client.Drives["Me"].Root


    Upgrade guide to v5